SAO Exposure Time Calculators

Please note that GMACS is a future instrument for the GMT.

Source information

Please enter the source information and select a spectral type and template spectrum closest to your target. Fields marked with "*" are required.
If you already have a configuration, you can   upload your config file

For extended sources please enter the magnitude per square arc-second.


Please choose the instrument you would like to observe with. The links will get you to the instrument page with further details.
Calculate for Gratings Resolution [Angstroem/px] Comment More Info
270, 600, 1000 1.3, 0.61, 0.35 wide field, custom slitmasks, logslits or IFU Binospec
up to 300 optical fibers about 6, about 3 at high dispersion coverage 350 to 1000 nm Hectospec
resolving power 1200 - 3000 with a 0.4 asec slit, use this link for imaging coverage about 1.15 to 2.45 microns depending on grism JH and HK blocking filters MMIRS
Blue: 500, 2000, 2400
Red: 525, 1000, 1400, 1700
Blue: 1.06, 0.382, 0.265
Red: 1.42, 0.686, 0.446, 0.322 (?)
red and blue camera, custom slitmasks, longslits, Manifest (IFU) GMACS